Drive for a Tech Golf Tournament
Event Details
Pease Golf Course
Portsmouth, NH
Sep 12, 2025 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
About The Event
Join us for one of our biggest fundraising events of the year! The 28th Annual Drive For A Tech Golf Tournament is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a day on the green while supporting the next generation of automotive professionals in New Hampshire. Our education foundation awards over $60K in scholarships each year to students pursuing careers in the automotive industry. By registering your foursome or sponsoring the event, you directly contribute to growing the automotive workforce in New Hampshire!
Registration Information
Your golf registration includes the following: Hole-in-One, Putting Contest, Wheel of Fortune, Closest-to-the-Pin and Longest Drive Contests, a special gift, lunch, and more! The registration fee is $285 per player for members and partners, depending on the partnership level.
Value Pack: $95 (includes one entry for: raffle entry, 1 air cannon, 1 mulligan, 1 Vegas card)
Mulligans: $25 each (maximum of 2 per golfer)
Annual Convention
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Event Highlights
Please see the agenda for the exact timing of the highlights below.Relive Previous Events
