
Understanding Vaccine Mandates: OSHA ETS and Company-Imposed Mandates Webinar

Dec. 02, 2021 10:00 AM-11:30 AM


What is the status of COVID-19 vaccine mandates? Is your business covered? Are you interested in imposing a mandate even if you are not required to do so? Join us for an informational webinar to cover these issues and answer your questions. This webinar will be beneficial for businesses of all sizes to ensure you know your rights and obligations as an employer.

We have designed this as an interactive program, so please bring your questions! Please also feel free to submit questions in advance to Kaleena Guzman at

Duration: 90 minutes

Who should attend? Owners, HR, CFOs and Controllers, and Office Managers

Silver Partner:
Devine Millimet
Donald “Lee” Smith, Esq.

Silver Partner:
McLane Middleton
Margaret (“Peg”) O’Brien, Esq.
Director, Employment Law Practice Group

Bronze Partner:
Talesha L. Saint-Marc, Esq.

Bronze Partner:
Cook Little Rosenblatt & Mason p.l.l.c.
Jennifer Shea Moeckel, Esq.


  • Status of the OSHA Vaccine Mandate
    •  What is the current status of the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard in court?
    • What does the lead time look like for implementation if approved?
    • Can we expect the outcome to continue to be challenged?
  • Coverage for the OSHA mandate
    • Which employers are covered?
    • Who qualifies as an employee?
      • Owners, consultants, part-time, seasonal?
      • What if the company has multiple rooftops but under 100 employees at each?
  • Test out option
    • Your choice – do you want to allow a test out option or not?
    • Frequency of testing
    • Who pays for testing (the cost of the test and employee time spent testing)?
    • Are you able to test in house?
    • Can employees test on their own at home?
    • What to do when an employee tests positive?
  • Determining employee vaccination status
    • What proof is acceptable?
    • How to store vaccination records
  • Providing support for employees to get vaccinated
    • Pay for time spent getting vaccinated?
    • If an employee became ill due to vaccine side effects how is that time accounted for?
  • Mask requirements accommodation requests
    • Do medical and religious exemptions still apply?
    • How to process and make decisions about medical and religious exemptions
  • Policy and procedures
    • Do you have a strong policy and procedures in place?
    • Who on staff should be in charge of these efforts to ensure effective and confidential treatment?
  • Do you want to mandate vaccines in your workplace even if you are not required to?

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